I am trying to take a screenshot of the entire visible page of an Ionic Vue app, but I get the error "Cannot find name 'ImageCapture'".
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia();
const screenVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
console.log("screenVideoTrack", screenVideoTrack);
const capture = new ImageCapture(screenVideoTrack); // here the error occurs
// when you need the still image
const bitmap = await capture.grabFrame();
// if you want a Blob version
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if (!canvas) {
console.error("no canvas created");
canvas.width = bitmap.width;
canvas.height = bitmap.height;
const blob = await new Promise((res) => canvas.toBlob(res));
I did install the ""@types/w3c-image-capture": "^1.0.5"," via npm. The error occurs while compiling not while executing (cannot execute if not correctly compiled).
How do I mage Ionic Vue aware, that this type does exist?
Is there an alternative to take a screenshot of the entire page? (the lib 'html2canvas' is no option for me)
I found a similar question to mine on StackOverflow and followed the answer given by Paweł Ciucias. I had to manually add the lib to the tsconfig.json file under 'compileroptions -> types'
"types": [
The error now disappeared!