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Unit test inside a Module in yii2

How can i perform unit test inside a module. here's my project structure enter image description here


  • yii2-app-advanced is a good example of solution.

    Add include section to project level codeception.yml file:

        - modules/api
        - modules/dtr

    Include setting is documented at

    You need codeception.yml file in modules/dtr directory, it lools like normal standalone codeception.yaml file.

    • codecept run command would run project level tests and tests of included modules.
    • codecept run modules/dtr/tests/unit/ executes all unit tests of that module.
    • codecept run modules/dtr/tests/unit/models/FirstTest.php executes specific test

    If you don't want to have a top level codeception.yml file, you can specify path to module directory (you need codeception.yml file there anyway).

    • codecept run -c modules/dtr executes all tests
    • codecept run -c modules/dtr tests/unit/models/FirstTest.php executes specific test
    • but it is more convenient to use name filter - codecept run -c modules/dtr :FirstTest

    -c parameter is documented at