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How to extract a html response and parse it JSON from a GET call in REST ASSURED framework?

In Postman I have did in the below way and want to do the same in Rest Assured framework. I want to parse and save the "tltkt" value in Rest Assured framework. How can I do that in Rest Assured?

GET call :https://prod.streaming/com/account/signin/

Postman tests:** Load the HTML response to $

const $ = cheerio.load(pm.response.text())
console.log($("title").text()); // get title

let appConfig = JSON.parse($('script#app-config').text().trim());

pm.collectionVariables.set("saved_tl_tkt", appConfig.tl_tkt);

console.log(pm.collectionVariables.get("saved_tl_tkt"), ":from pm");

Response in HTML:

main id="main-container"
script id="app-config" type="application/json"

{"tltkt":"QVdMcHpmWitoWENSSU8zN0FtYzNmWlJVdFFrQkoxOUVJTE5iOHQvTXZ" , "imageHost": https:\/\/, "regionBaseUrl:""};


  • I assume that you've already had {"tltkt":"QVdMcHpmWitoWENSSU8zN0FtYzNmWlJVdFFrQkoxOUVJTE5iOHQvTXZ" , "imageHost": https:\/\/, "regionBaseUrl:""}

    Because it's not valid json, so I use regex to extract value from this string.

    String bodyTxt = ...;
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\"tltkt\":\"(.+?)\"");
    Matcher matches = pattern.matcher(bodyTxt);
    String tltkt = "";
    if(matches.find()) {
        tltkt =;