I need to select cels starts with this format (patern) "???. * Nr.?? CO*", and i write formula:
=IF(COUNTIF(A2;"<>???. * Nr.?? CO*");"NO";"OK")
In this selection i want to filter only cells starts wit "Pro.", "Ext." and "Fun.", and i write second formula:
=IF(SUM(COUNTIF(A2;{"Pro. *";"Ext. *";"Fun. *"}))=0;"NO";"OK")
Then i combine this both formulas in one single good formula:
=IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2;"<>???. * Nr.?? CO*");SUM(COUNTIF(A2;{"Pro. *";"Ext. *";"Fun. *"}))=0;);"NO";"OK")
And its working very well, but...
How is possible to combine both formulas without OR function? or Exist some alternatives for this result?
Not entirely clear to me, but did you mean:
=IF(SUM(COUNTIF(A2,{"Pro","Ext","Fun"}&". * Nr.?? CO*")),"OK","NO")