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How can I make a dropdown list control that fetches names of custom posts types?

How can I make a dropdown list control that fetches names of custom posts types? In my project I want to select a post type name and fetch it in drop down selector in my custom Gutenberg Block!.. How can I do this?


  • If creating a dropdown list (select) for the edit() function of a Gutenberg block, registered post types can be retrieved with getPostTypes() via useSelect() in JavaScript. An example of this is the dropdown in the Query Block to select a Post Type.

    Below is a simplified example that uses a <SelectControl/> to display a list of all viewable post types, and enables a selected postType to be saved the blocks attributes.


        "attributes": {
            "postType": {
                "type": "string",
                "default": "post"


    import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
    import { store as coreStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
    import { SelectControl } from '@wordpress/components';
    import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
    export default function Edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
        // postType defined in block.json
        const { postType } = attributes;
        // useSelect to retrieve all post types
        const postTypes = useSelect(
            (select) => select(coreStore).getPostTypes({ per_page: -1 }), []
        // Options expects [{label: ..., value: ...}]
        var postTypeOptions = !Array.isArray(postTypes) ? postTypes : postTypes
                // Filter out internal WP post types eg: wp_block, wp_navigation, wp_template, wp_template_part..
                postType => postType.viewable == true)
                // Format the options for display in the <SelectControl/>
                (postType) => ({
                    label: postType.labels.singular_name,
                    value: postType.slug, // the value saved as postType in attributes
        return (
            <div {...useBlockProps()}>
                    label="Select a Post Type"
                    onChange={(value) => setAttributes({ postType: value })}

    The advantage of using JavaScript for the Editor instead of falling back to PHP is you can keep the UI consistent by using Gutenberg controls like <SelectControl/>.

    The Settings Sidebar may be a good place to put your <SelectControl/> depending on your goal.