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Delete a product on cart and localStorage

I'm currently on student project where I'm stuck on delete product on cart page I have no problem to delete them on the front page but when it come to remove it too on localStorage honestly I don't know what to do.

I know that using localStorage.setItem allow to update it when necessary but on the code that I wrote I don't know where to put correctly.

I wrote this :

// Targeting arrays
let deleteButton = document.querySelectorAll('.deleteItem');
let localStorageProducts = localStorage.getItem('Produits');

for (let i = 0; i < deleteButton.length; i++) {
// Get all remove buttons
let buttons = deleteButton[i];
// Link to his parent
let myData = deleteButton[i].closest('article');
let getStorageProducts = JSON.parse(localStorageProducts);

buttons.addEventListener("click",() =>

      getStorageProducts.forEach(localStorageProducts =>{
            if( ==={
                  // Delete the product

<section id="cart__items">
               <article class="cart__item" data-id="{product-ID}" data-color="{product-color}">
                <div class="cart__item__img">
                  <img src="../images/product01.jpg" alt="Photographie d'un canapé">
                <div class="cart__item__content">
                  <div class="cart__item__content__description">
                    <h2>Nom du produit</h2>
                    <p>42,00 €</p>
                  <div class="cart__item__content__settings">
                    <div class="cart__item__content__settings__quantity">
                      <p>Qté : </p>
                      <input type="number" class="itemQuantity" name="itemQuantity" min="1" max="100" value="42">
                    <div class="cart__item__content__settings__delete">
                      <p class="deleteItem">Supprimer</p>

An example , here I have 4 products : Products in Localstorage

When I click on one of the remove button it's gonna delete 3 of them and one left :

Product left

How could I delete them one by one ?


  • I refactored your logic in this way (please read comments on commented lines) :

    //LOCAL TEST START: i used these lines to test with static local logics you can ignore this
    let prods = [{id: 1, prodname: 'prod1'}, {id: 2, prodname: 'prod2'}, {id: 3, prodname: 'prod3'}];
    // i used getElementsByClassName because it's native function which is supported in all browsers even old ones.
    let viewArticles = document.getElementsByClassName('cart__item'); 
    let localStorageProducts = localStorage.getItem('Produits');
    let products = JSON.parse(localStorageProducts);
    // looping on Articles instead of Buttons to be able to get product ID easily
    for (let article of viewArticles) {
        article.addEventListener("click",function (ev)
            // by {capturing: true}, i can access to the high clicked element
            // (which is the <article> tag in our case) by .currentTarget property
            const currentArticle = ev.currentTarget;
            // by {capturing: true}, i can access to the exactly clicked child element
            //(which is the delete button in this case by performing a check test using .target property class
            const isDeleteBtnClicked ='deleteItem');
            // if the child element is the delete button then 
            // delete the product and update the local storage
                // access to product id of the article
                const productId =; 
                products = products.filter(prd => !== productId.toString());
        }, {capture: true}); // enable capturing instead of bubbling (top to bottom propagation)

    for more informations about Capturing and Bubbling you can check this