I am creating a specification which returns the Parent entity's records based on Child entity's type column. These 2 entities have One-to-One mapping, so I am joining them.
But the problem is that type column is inside the embedded id of Child entity.
My code snippet is below:
return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
Join<Parent, Child> join = root.join("child");
return criteriaBuilder.equal(join.get("id.type"), val);
I haven't got any success with it yet. How do I access the type column correctly to make my code work?
I found that the following code makes it work -
return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
Join<Parent, Child> join = root.join("child");
Join<Child, ChildPK> joinId = join.join("id");
return criteriaBuilder.equal(joinId.get("type"), val);
Here ChildPK is the embedded id.