I downloaded the Font "Retro Gaming" (https://www.dafont.com/retro-gaming.font) to use it on my Java project. This project needs to run on every machine I run it. My question is: How or where can I put the font so that all computers (even without having it installed) can use it? I thought gradle could be a nice solution but I found nothing about it on the internet.
The example of code is:
public PlayerOneLabel() {
this.setText("PLAYER 1");
this.setFont(new Font("Retro Gaming", Font.BOLD, CenterOnDefaultScreen.center().height*2/100));
This obviously run only on the PCs with the font already installed.
Save the font file wherever you like...place it with the rest of your game files or place it in a resource folder. It doesn't need to go somewhere special if it's just for your game. You can load the font when you need it by using the following method:
* Loads a Font file and returns it as a Font Object. This method does try to
* utilize the proper Font Type Resource (TrueType or Type1) but will default
* to TrueType if the resource type can not be established.
* @param fontFilePath (String) Full path and file name of the font to load.<br>
* @param fontStyle (Integer) The Font Style to use for the loaded font, for
* example:<pre>
* Font.PLAIN
* Font.BOLD
* Font.BOLDITALIC</pre>
* @param fontSize (Integer) The desired size of font.<br>
* @return (Font) A Font Object
public Font loadFont(String fontFilePath, int fontStyle, int fontSize) {
Font font = null;
int fontTypeResource = Font.TRUETYPE_FONT;
if ((fontFilePath == null || fontFilePath.isEmpty()) || fontSize < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFont() Method Error! Arguments "
+ "passed to this method must contain a file path OR a numerical "
+ "value other than 0!" + System.lineSeparator());
String fileExt = (fontFilePath.contains(".") ? fontFilePath.substring(fontFilePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) : "");
if (fontFilePath.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFont() Method Error! An illegal "
+ "font file has been passed to this method (no file name "
+ "extension)!" + System.lineSeparator());
switch (fileExt.toLowerCase()) {
case "fot":
case "t2":
case "otf":
case "ttf":
fontTypeResource = Font.TRUETYPE_FONT;
// PostScript/Adobe
case "lwfn":
case "pfa":
case "pfb":
case "pdm":
fontTypeResource = Font.TYPE1_FONT;
fontTypeResource = Font.TRUETYPE_FONT;
try {
font = Font.createFont(fontTypeResource, new FileInputStream(
new File(fontFilePath))).deriveFont(fontStyle, fontSize);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger("loadFont()").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
catch (FontFormatException | IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger("loadFont()").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return font;
And how you might use it:
JLabel jLabel_1 = new JLabel("This is my Label Caption");
/* Assumes the .ttf file in within the application's project
directory. Use a getResource() mechanism when loading from
a resource directory. */
Font gameFont = loadFont("Retro Gaming.ttf", Font.BOLD, 18);