I'm currently lost as to how I would be able to properly use the label in my HTML as variables for my JS.
<div> <!--Main Toppings-->
<label for = "mtop"> Main Toppings: </label>
<select name="mainToppings" id = "toppingsoption" required>
<option disabled selected id = 'emptyoption'> -- select an option -- </option>
<option id='pepperoniOverload' class = "mtopchoice">Pepperoni Overload - ₱ 100</option>
<option id='hawaiian' class = "mtopchoice">Hawaiian - ₱ 50</option>
<option id='meatOverload' class = "mtopchoice">Meat Overload - ₱ 125</option>
var toppings = document.getElementById("toppingsoption");
if (toppings.options[toppings.selectedIndex].id == 'emptyoption') {
var toppingsName = '';
var toppingsValue = 0;
} else {
var toppingsText = toppings.options[toppings.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
var toppingsName = toppingsText.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '');
var toppingsValue = parseInt(toppingsText.replace(/\D/g,''));
console.log(toppingsName, toppingsValue, "getMainToppings() working");
While the current code works just fine for dealing with the 'Hawaiian' option, 'Pepperoni Overload' and 'Meat Overload' is messing with the way I extract the text out of the labels. What would be the correct way so that I would be able to extract the words Pepperoni Overload and Meat Overload, maintaining the space between words but not extracting the additional spaces that follow afterwards?
Just extract everything until the - symbol. Something like the following should work:
And then you could just extract the first group and should get what you want.