I have a list I'm rendering in my React app, and I need to test that I'm listing the list items in alphabetical order.
Initially I tried testing this by querying the document this way:
const a = getByText("a_item");
const el = a.parentElement?.parentElement?.nextSibling?.firstChild?.textContent;
But this proved to be brittle. I don't want to test the HTML structure of each item. I only want to test that the list is alphabetical.
How can I test that the list is alphabetical without depending on the current HTML structure of the list?
Use String.search
to find the indices of the strings in the document's HTML, and then assert that indices are in the correct order:
it("lists items alphabetically", async () => {
await render(<App/>);
await waitFor(() => {
const html = document.body.innerHTML;
const a = html.search("a_item");
const b = html.search("b_item");
Note that this may not be ideal since it accesses the dom directly, which isn't considered best practice when using React Testing Library. I haven't tested this, but it would probably be better to use a regex matcher with a built-in React Testing Library query method:
it("lists items alphabetically", async () => {
await render(<App/>);
expect(await screen.findByText(/a_item.+b_item/)).toBeInTheDocument();