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How to get onClick to work using html within C# server side code

I am try to get my onClick to work however my when I click nothing happens and no error to give insight as to what the problem might be

var data = new FormData();
            data.append("cart_list", new_cart);
            url: "@Url.Action("GetCart", "Home")",
                type: "POST",
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            data: data,
            success: function (result) {
                    //code after success
                    var html = "";
               // var removeIndex
                for (index = 0; index < result.result.length; ++index) {
                         removeIndex = result.result[index]; 
                        html = html + '<li class="minicart-product">' + result.result[index].HFR +;
                        Html = Html + ' <a class="product-item_remove" onclick="RemoveFromCart()"></a>';
                        html = html + '<i class="ion-android-close"></i>';
                        html = html + '</a>';
                        html = html + '<div class="product-item_img">';
                        html = html + '<img src="../Content/assests/images/Catalogue/' + result.result[index].Foto + '" alt="../Content/assests/images/Catalogue/default.png">';
                        html = html + '</div>';
                        html = html + '<div class="product-item_content">';
                        html = html + '<a class="product-item_title" href="">' + result.result[index].TractorModel + " " + result.result[index].Description + '</a>';
                        html = html + '<span class="product-item_quantity">' + result.result[index].HFR + '</span>';
                        html = html + '</div>';
                        html = html + '</li>';

            error: function (er) {




        function RemoveFromCart()
            alert("Remove me")


  • It is html not Html.

    Replace this line :

     Html = Html + ' <a class="product-item_remove" onclick="RemoveFromCart()"></a>';


     html = html + ' <a class="product-item_remove" onclick="RemoveFromCart()"></a>';