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javascriptexceloffice-jsexceljs, pass and return context as a variable, where does context come from?

I have a big Google Apps Script project working on Google Spreadsheets and I am trying to convert it to an office-js add-in that works on Excel Workbooks. I understand that it is good practice to put everything that will be calling excel specific functions (directly interacting with the workbook) into an function so it does a proper clean-up and no memory leaks occur. I also understand I should do context.sync() as little as possible to optimize performance.

Here are my questions, (I think some of them come from my incomplete grasp of how js works; these things GAS handled without me needing to question them) :

1a) When we put our block of code in => {
 //code that does stuff with context; 

where does the context come from? Is this equivalent to> {
let context = new Excel.RequestContext; 
//code that does stuff with context; 

1b) Also, if context gets generated with every new function why would I ever return context.sync() and not just context.sync()?

  1. Is a new, second context generated in this case and what happens to it?
function handle_error(e){//second context generated in case of error
let context=New Excel.RequestContext;
await context.sync();
some_logging_function(, e);
function data_func(some_data: Non-Excel-Interface): Other-Non-Excel-Interface{
   //manipulate data
   //in case of error
   //continue with data massaging
   return altered_data;
}>{ //first context
let values = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange().values;
let some_data: Non-Excel-Interface = {sheetName: 'Sheet1', data: values};
let new_vals = data_func(some_data);
context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange().values = new_vals.new_data;
  1. If I put my main code inside, then pass and return context: Excel.RequestContext and range: Excel.Range in other functions do I need in those functions, too? In other words, should the code inside functions a() and b() be inside
function a(rng: Excel.Range, values:string[][]):Excel.Range{
  rng.values = values;
  return rng;

function b(context: Excel.RequestContext): Excel.RequestContext{
  context.workbook.load('name');//load name property, but don't context.sync()
  return context;
} context=>{
  context = b(context);
  let rng =  context.workbook.worksheets.getItem('Sheet1').getUsedRange();
  await context.sync();//values property and workbook name property must be available now
  rng = a(rng, [['aa', 'bb', 'cc']]);
  await context.sync();//new values must be available now
  console.log(, rng.values);//should show the title of the workbook and the newly assigned values of the range
  1. Also, what is the advantage of asynchronous functions if I have to explicitly wait every time I need a value? I mean, if I am going to use context.sync() sparingly, that means I use it only when I desperately need it, so it must always come with await. So why not make context.sync() synchronous by default?


  • I'll try to answer some of these questions and try to get some help for the others. I also recommend the book Building Office Add-ins for an understanding of the Office JavaScript library. See this too, if you haven't already: Application specific API model.

    1a. Yes. That's essentially correct. Under the hood, creates an Office.RequestContext object and passes it to the batch function parameter. (But your two code blocks are not literally equivalent. You would not call AND explicitly create a RequestContext object.)

    1b. From skimming the book I linked to, I think that you have to return what the book calls the meta-promise so that the can resolve the Promise that it returns. Here's an example from the book: (context) {
      var selectionRange = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
      return context.sync()
        .then(function () {
          var rowCount = selectionRange.values.length;
          var columnCount = selectionRange.values[0].length;
          for (var row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
            for (var column = 0; column < columnCount; column ++) {
              if (selectionRange.values[row][column] > 50) {
                selectionRange.getCell(row, column)
                 .format.fill.color = "yellow";
    1. From skimming the book I linked to, I think that the answer is yes; the always creates a new context object and passes it to the batch function. There are techniques and an override of that enable you to pass an object created in one context to another call of, but these are intended for use with independent calls of, not nested calls, as in your case.

    2. No. You should not call inside a or b.

    3. I think there are scenarios in which you would not need to await context.sync. For example, when all the code in the parent function that comes after the context.sync only affects the UI of a task pane and does not depend on reading any data from the current Office document. The good practice of minimizing calls of context.sync is because it requires a round-trip between the document and JavaScript runtime in which the add-in code is running (on the user's computer). This would be true regardless of whether context.sync is synchronous or not.