I have a very expansive custom input and one of the customizations is autocomplete functionality. In the interest of not sharing too much, I will just share the bit of the code that is for the suggestion drop down on the autocomplete. I have a suggestions value and a searchHistory value that is based on the cached search history of the user. To differentiate the two I just want to have a clock or some sort of svg in there. I'm able to render an emoji, but that doesn't fit my design theme so I want to use an clock svg from the library I'm using.
How can I pass that SVG in this ternary operator? I've seen people using '<img :src"../something"/>'
, but that syntax doesn't seem to work for me either.
Any ideas on how/if I can make this happen?
v-for="suggestion in filteredSuggestions"
@click="$emit('selectSuggestion', suggestion)"
{{ suggestion }} {{ searchHistory.includes(suggestion) ? '⏱' : '' }}
<!-- <IconPowerSupplyOne theme="outline" size="100%" fill="#4771FA" /> -->
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
filteredSuggestions: { type: Array as PropType<string[]>, required: true },
searchHistory: { type: Array as PropType<string[]>, required: true },
emits: ['selectSuggestion'],
setup() {
return {}
A ternary shouldn't be used here because HTML elements can't be used in text interpolation.
directive should be used instead:
<svg v-if="searchHistory.includes(suggestion)">