I have two tables with users, where each id for one user is same in both tables (don't ask why I have two user tables). At some point, I need to filter users from table 1, and if certain condition is true, I store a promise (deleting request) for each user into (let's call it) tableOnePromises. I do the same for table 2. In order to empty table 2, I MUST first empty table one due to some requirements. this is what I did:
let tableOnePromises = [];
let tableTwoPromises = [];
tableOne.forEach(item => {
if(item.deactivated) {
const tableOneDeleted = supabase
.match({id: item.id});
const tableTwoDeleted = supabase
.match({id: item.id});
await Promise.all(tableOnePromises).then(() => {
return Promise.all(tableTwoPromises)
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Assuming the code using await
is inside an async
function (or at the top level of a module), the syntax is correct, but it's probably not what I'd use (in general, avoid mixing async
with explicit callbacks via .then
and .catch
), and separately it's probably not working quite as you expect (this is borne out by your saying that your code was failing to delete from table-two
For any particular id
value, your code starts deleting from table-one
and then immediately starts deleting from table-two
without waiting for the deletion in table-one
to complete:
// STARTS the deletion but doesn't wait for it to finish
const tableOneDeleted = supabase
.match({id: item.id});
// ...
// Starts deleting from `table-two`, even though the item may still be in `table-one`
const tableTwoDeleted = supabase
.match({id: item.id});
Remember that a promise is just a way of observing an asynchronous process; by the time you have the promise, the process it's observing is already underway.¹ So even though you don't wait for the table-two
promises until later, you start the table-two
deletions immediately.
...I MUST first empty table one due to some requirements...
If by "empty" you mean just that you have to ensure you've done the delete
for a particular id
on table-one
before doing it on table-two
, you need to wait for the table-one
deletion to be completed before starting the table-two
deletion. I'd put that in a function:
async function deleteItem(id) {
await supabase
await supabase
Then the code becomes:
const promises = [];
for (const {deactivated, id} of tableOne) {
if (deactivated) {
await Promise.all(promises); // With the `try`/`catch` if desired
...or if it's okay to make two passes through the array:
await Promise.all( // With the `try`/`catch` if desired
tableOne.filter(({deactivated}) => deactivated)
.map(({id}) => deleteItem(id))
¹ "...by the time you have the promise, the process it's observing is already underway." That's the normal case. There is unfortunately a popular document DB library that doesn't start its work on something until/unless you call then
on the promise for it. But that's an exception, and an anti-pattern.