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How to adjust a Shiny Dashboard's size to fit different screen sizes?

I have a shiny app with this basic layout that I wrote on my desktop computer where it fits the screen perfectly. However, when running the app on my notebook it'll only show the top left boxes- so the app is way to big for the screen. Upon pressing Ctrl - it will obviously become smaller but still about a quarter of the bottom row is cut off and pressing Ctrl - again the app only fills half the screen. Now I want to provide this app as a feedback tool for my study participants and it's safe to assume they will access it from different sized screens aswell. So I was wondering if there was any way to automatically adjust the box sizes to the size of the screen, no matter its size. I came up with the idea that maybe the mistake was setting the box heights to a fixed value (i.e. height = 300), but my attempt of changing it to 30% revealed that that's not a thing you can do. I read over some CSS-related questions on this site aswell but didn't find anything that worked here either (I know very little CSS though, so I might have missed something there). Does anyone have an idea how to fix that issue?


body <-  dashboardBody( tags$head(tags$style(HTML('
.box {margin-top: 2px;margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom:2px;padding:-10px}
div {padding: 0 !important;}'
  box(      title = "Mediennutzung", background = "green", solidHeader = TRUE, height=300
  box(background = "green", title= "Verteilung", height = 300

    title = "Schlaf", width = 4, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "success",
    height= 350
    title = "Vergleich mit anderen", width = 5, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "success"
    , height= 350
    title = "Wohlbefinden", width = 3, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "success",
    "Ergebnis DASS und PMH, Einordnung, Vergleich mit der Stichprobe", height= 350

    width = 4, background = "green", title = "Warum ist das wichtig?",
     height= 135
    title = "Warum ist das wichtig?", width = 5, background = "green",
     height= 135
    title = "Warum ist das wichtig?",width = 3, background = "green",
     height= 135

    width = 4, background = "green", title= "Zusammenhang zur Mediennutzung",
    "Schlaf mag oder mag nicht mit der Mediennutzung zusammenhngen", height= 125
    title = "Zusammenhang zur Mediennutzung", width = 5, background = "green",
    "Mal gucken", height= 125
    title = "Zusammenhang zur Mediennutzung",width = 3, background = "green",
    "TBC", height= 125

# here the actual app starts
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Deine Ergebnisse"),
  dashboardSidebar(textInput(inputId = "Code", label= HTML("<b>Willkommen auf unserer Auswertungsseite! Bitte gib hier deinen persönlichen Code ein.</b><br><em>(Gross- oder Kleinschreibung ist egal) </em>"), placeholder= "z.B. 01ABAB01"),
                   actionButton (inputId = "Button", label = "Meine Ergebnisse anzeigen"),
                   box(width = 12, background= "blue", HTML(

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)


  • This solution might help you. I'm not very well versed in CSS so I don't think it is the most elegant way but it works. Try nesting your shinydashboard::box()'s in a div() with class that changes the size based on screensize.

    div(class = "col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-4",
        shinydashboard::box(width = 12,
                            title = "Left or Upper Box",
                            p("This box will be 4 wide on large screen, and 12 wide on medium and small screens")
    div(class = "col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-8",
        shinydashboard::box(width = 12,
                            title = "Right or Lower Box",
                            p("This box will be 8 wide on large screen, and 12 wide on medium and small screens")

    The downside of this approach is that there is extra padding either side of the boxes. There will be a way to remove this with some better CSS I bet. NOTE that the widths within the boxes themselves should be 12 so that they fill the div() at all widths.