Search code examples

Use calculated / scalar value in LINQ query

I'm using LINQ on a Telerik OpenAccess generated data model, to setup a search query and get the results. This all works very well and the code looks very nice. But now i need to add one more thing, and i'm not sure how to. The products i'm selecting should have a different price for each customer. The price depends on some other values in 2 other SQL tables. Right now i have the price calculation in a SQL scalar function, but i'm not sure on how to use that in combination with my LINQ.

My goal is to retrieve all data in one database roundtrip, and to be able to sort on this calculated price column as well.

Right now i have something like:

var products = (from p in Products select p);
   products = products.Where(product => product.Name.Contains(searchOption));
products = products.OrderByDescending(product => product.Name);
products = products.Skip(pageNr * pageSize).Take(pageSize);

I can, of course, use all properties of my Product class, but i want to be able to use a new virtual/calculated property, let say: Product.CalculatedPrice as well.

I have a feeling it should look a bit like this.

(from p in Products
select new {
    productId = p.ProductId,
    name = p.Name,
    calculatedPrice = CalculatedValueFromStoredProcedure/OrScalarFunction(p.ProductId, loggedInCustomerId)

Best Regards, Tys


  • After doing some more research i've found out that what i want to do is NOT possible in combination with the Telerik OpenAccess ORM! So i've created a workaround that pre-calculates the values i need, put them in a table and join my selection with the contents of that table. For now, that's the best possible solution i've found.