I'm trying to work out how to clear a pending transaction with the ethers library.
It's ERC20 transfer function that's been called, several times, and quite a few stuck pending.
So, I thought I'd just be able to use ethers library to sendTransaction with the same nonce to flush the transactions.
What I've tried, assuming 100gwei;
const tx = {
gasPrice: ethers.BigNumber.from(100000000000),
nonce: 1,
Which results in "err: max fee per gas less than block base fee: address xxx, maxFeePerGas: 100000000000 baseFee: 110470877095 (supplied gas 10440696)"}}'
Uncertain if I'm supposed to have a to
in the transaction, and also... supplied gas, should I be adding a gasLimit
to the transaction? Uncertain if data
or value
should contain anything, as cancelling a transaction is done with a 0 value right?
I accidentally cancelled the two first transactions instead by removing the gasPrice and just including the nonce. Damnit, now I have to figure out if I have to cancel all those after or if I can send in transactions with the same nonce.
I'm so annoyed at how search engine ranking has gone down the drain, all the articles I tried to look at were written by the creators of some wallet or other... I digress.
I seemed to read that adding nonce
and to
should be enough several times. Not enough. Just adding the nonce without anything cancels the transaction. nonce
, to
, gasPrice
will complain about gasLimit
as it can't work out how much gas a contract method needs (my case). Doing these will just result in a reverted transaction anyway as no data is sent.
const tx = {
nonce: x,
gasLimit: 58000 (just check what its consumed before and add some),
gasPrice: ethers.utils.parsUnits('100', 'gwei')