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Cannot Access cssRules for Stylesheet CORS

So I've been reading that you can't access cssRules for external stylesheets because it runs into CORS policy issues.

I decided to take a different approach but I'm still running into issues.

My Approach:

  1. Download the css files on the backend and upload them to S3 Bucket
  2. Return back a existing link and new link for match purposes
  3. Delete existing link tag and add in a new tag that will point to my CDN
  4. Access document.styleSheets
  5. Tadaaaa (but this fails)

What I'm trying to figure out is why am I still running into issues if my CDN allows access from any origin?

export default () => {
  const payload = [...document.styleSheets].filter(s => s.href).map(s => s.href);'SOME ENDPOINT', { css: payload }).then(({ status, data: { data: newLinks } }) => {
    if (status === 200) {
      for (const i in newLinks) {
        const stylesheet = document.createElement('link');
        stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet';
        stylesheet.href = newLinks[i].downloaded;
  }).then(() => {
    let delay = 250
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log('Stylesheets with Removed Links', [...document.styleSheets]);
    }, delay)
  }).then(() => {



Error on Safari SecurityError: Not allowed to access cross-origin stylesheet

I have seen this link Cannot access cssRules from local css file in Chrome 64

Result From Network Tab

Network Request


  • I ended up finding a solution...

    All thanks to Paulo Belo from this link Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property

    stylesheet.crossOrigin = "anonymous" solved my problem giving me access to the cssRules.

    enter image description here

    Note this fix does not work with existing stylesheets that are throwing this error.

    Exception: DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules at CSSStyleSheet.s

    This fix only works for your own uploaded sheets or in my case the ones from my CDN.

    enter image description here