In Alfresco users can use rules to link categories to files. There isn't an option to unlink categories from a file.
How do I programmatically remove (unlink) categories from a file without removing the classification aspect?
If a script is required, do you have an example?
I am using Alfresco 7.0 Share/Community version
take a look into the node browser: Alfresco stores the categories on a node as an array of nodeRefs to the category nodes.
If you want to remove specific category from a node you need to save the array without the nodeRef for that category.
To illustrate that: the following example removes the category /Regions/EUROPE
from a given document node:
var categories=["cm:categories"];
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
var categoryPath = categories[i].displayPath + '/' + categories[i].name;
if (categoryPath == '/categories/General/Regions/EUROPE'){
categories.splice(i, 1)
}["cm:categories"]= categories;;