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Using uber fx to provide an interface

I am attempting to use uber fx to do dependency injection for a go microservice project.

Since all the microservices will need to construct a base server, and set up a variety of config options (common middleware, buffer sizes etc) (I am using fiber). But these different microservices also have config options unique to the microservice. Maybe a database connection string, jwt keys etc.

I created an interface to use in the shared function that creates the common base app, with the common options, but any function needing a dependency of the config struct fails with expecting the specific version of config for that microservice.

failed to build *fiber.App: missing dependencies for function "some-path/http".CreateServer (some-path/http/http.go:65): missing type: *http.Config exit status 1

Minimal example:


package http

import (


type BaseConfig interface {
    GetPort() string
    GetTimeout() int

type Config struct {
    Port           string `env:"LISTEN_ADDR" envDefault:":3000"`
    Timeout        uint64 `env:"TIMEOUT" envDefault:"10"`

func (c *Config) GetPort() string {
    return c.Port

func (c *Config) GetTimeout() int {
    return int(c.Timeout)

func CreateServer(config *Config) *fiber.App {
    fiberConfig := fiber.Config{
        ReadTimeout:    time.Second * time.Duration(config.GetTimeout()),
        WriteTimeout:   time.Second * time.Duration(config.GetTimeout()),

    app := fiber.New(fiberConfig)

    // do setup and other stuff

    return app


package config

import (

type Config struct {
    Port                string        `env:"LISTEN_ADDR" envDefault:":3000"`
    Timeout             uint64        `env:"TIMEOUT" envDefault:"10"`
    // some service specific stuff as well

func Parse() (*Config, error) {
    cfg := Config{}

    if err := env.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &cfg, nil

func (c *Config) GetPort() string {
    return c.Port

func (c *Config) GetTimeout() int {
    return int(c.Timeout)


package main

import (


func main() {

    opts := []fx.Option{}
    opts = append(opts, provideOptions()...)
    opts = append(opts, fx.Invoke(run))

    app := fx.New(opts...)


func provideOptions() []fx.Option {
    return []fx.Option{

func run(app *fiber.App, config *config.Config, lc fx.Lifecycle) {
        OnStart: func(ctx context.Context) error {
            errChan := make(chan error)

            go func() {
                errChan <- app.Listen(config.Port)

            select {
            case err := <-errChan:
                return err
            case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
                return nil
        OnStop: func(ctx context.Context) error {
            return app.Shutdown()


package controllers

import "some-path/config"

func SomeController (config *config.Config) {
    // do stuff


  • You're missing *http.Config object, create a function that return that object, e.g. NewConfig()

    package http
    import (
    type BaseConfig interface {
        GetPort() string
        GetTimeout() int
    type Config struct {
        Port    string `env:"LISTEN_ADDR" envDefault:":3000"`
        Timeout uint64 `env:"TIMEOUT" envDefault:"10"`
    func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
        cfg := Config{}
        if err := env.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &cfg, nil
    func (c *Config) GetPort() string {
        return c.Port
    func (c *Config) GetTimeout() int {
        return int(c.Timeout)
    func CreateServer(config *Config) *fiber.App {
        fiberConfig := fiber.Config{
            ReadTimeout:  time.Second * time.Duration(config.GetTimeout()),
            WriteTimeout: time.Second * time.Duration(config.GetTimeout()),
        app := fiber.New(fiberConfig)
        // do setup and other stuff
        return app

    then change your provideOptions(), maybe like this:

    func provideOptions() []fx.Option {
        return []fx.Option{
            fx.Provide(config.Parse, http.NewConfig),