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React Native: Base64 Image Array String not rendering in FlatList

I need to render a FlatList with Image Items in my RN App, but it looks like, I missed something out. I'm fetching blob data and parse it with Buffer to a String from my API and push it to my Array. I use that Array to render that FlatList

export function HomeScreen() {
  const imagesList: any = [];

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const loadData = async () =>{
    await callAPI().then(res => {
      //blob base64 is from type jpeg
      imagesList.push({imageURI: "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+Buffer.from(res.image1).toString('ascii')})

  return (
    <View style={[styles.imageSlider, {width, height}]}>
        renderItem={({item, index}) => (
            {console.log('item: ', item)}
              source={{uri: item.imageURI}}
                resizeMode: 'cover',
                maxHeight: 500,
                maxWidth: 500,

I checked the data that I receive from the api and everything is fine, but it's not rendering

Could anyone tell me my problem? I'm not an expert in RN Thanks!


  • Two problems I can see...

    1. You aren't using any state
    2. You're encoding the buffer as ASCII where you want Base64
    // Define state using the useState hook
    const [ imagesList, setImagesList ] = useState<Array<{ imageURI: string }>>([]);
    const loadData = async () => {
      const { image1 } = await callAPI()
      // you want an array for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      return [{
        imageURI: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${Buffer.from(image1).toString("base64")}`
    useEffect(() => {
    }, [])