Somehow I have some requirements to use all benefit of pre-written default methods and change the abstract method(apply(T t)
) from Java Function<T, R>
If I choose to make new @FunctionalInterface
extends Function<T, R>
, and the method name will be operate(T t)
, I guess my code will be like below,
public interface CustomOperator<T, R> extends Function<T, R>{
R operate(T t);
default R apply(T t){
//do something
Let's say all of the client codes which use CustomeOperator
only call operate(T t)
, and if I want the interface to have all the same benefits that the default methods of Function<T ,R>
already provide, What is the best approach for filling in the "//do something
" parts?
of I want to know whether inheritance is not the smartest(or possible) way for my requirement or not.
The code to fill the //do something
space is rather easy: you delegate to your abstract method:
default R apply(T t) {
return this.operate(t);
The ugly part is all that you need to be aware of and all that you need to keep in mind (all because Function
's contract is still going to be visible to your clients):
Sub-interfaces and implementing classes of CustomOperator
can override apply
, and you can't make it final.
You'll have to override all those default
methods from functions, like this one:
default <V> CustomOperator<V, R>
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before) {
Objects.requireNonNull(before); //validation to replicate
return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v)); //or operate()
And this, you need to do because your callers work with CustomOperator
, which of course doesn't feature on the inherited Function.compose
, for example.
When java.util.function.Function<T, R>
evolves (and evolve it shall), you'll need to keep up.
The above challenges are more a question for your requirements. Why would you need to do that? It's possible, but there's maintenance work coming with it.
And, since you already need to override all default
methods from Function
, here's a good question to ask: why not just break the problematic inheritance? You can copy the contract but leave CustomOperator
independent of Function