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Joining two tables with foreign keys stored in JSON data type

I have two tables which I want to join, the foreign key used to join the "colors" table is stored in JSON (in an array), is this possible in any way? Or will I have to try and figure it out in JavaScript with a loop?

FYI : I am using mysql2 with express and nodejs.

Table 1, Products:

product_id INT
product_name VARCHAR
product_colors JSON
product_price FLOAT

Table 2, Colors :

color_id: INT
color_name VARCHAR
color_description VARCHAR

Example of current 'SELECT * FROM products':

product_id: 1,
product_name: 'name of product',
product_colors: [2, 42, 12, 9],
product_price: 12.95

Example of desired output:

product_id: 1,
product_name: 'name of product',
product_colors: [{color_id: 2, color_name: 'Velvet', color_description: 'A reddish-purple color'}, {color_id: 7, color_name: 'Navy', color_description: 'A darker shade of blue similar to the ocean.'}],
product_price: 12.95


  • You should not store an array of foreign keys. That's not a valid relational data design.

    The relationship between products and colors in your database is many-to-many, and any such relationship is best stored in a third table:

    CREATE TABLE ProductColors (
      product_id INT,
      color_id INT,
      PRIMARY KEY (product_id, color_id),
      FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES Products(product_id),
      FOREIGN KEY (color_id) REFERENCES Colors(color_id)

    Each product/color pairing is stored in its own individual row in this third table.

    Then you can write a query to return the result in the format you want:

    SELECT p.product_id,
      "color_id": c.color_id,
      "color_name": c.color_name,
      "color_description": c.color_description
     )) AS product_colors,
    FROM Products AS p
    JOIN ProductColors USING (product_id)
    JOIN Colors AS c USING (color_id)
    GROUP BY p.product_id;

    Store the data in a normalized format. You can generate JSON results using JSON functions.

    P.S.: Don't use the FLOAT data type for currency, use NUMERIC(9,2). Read