I am trying to clear cookies after each iteration in Taurus yaml.
I tried the solution from below thread but it didn't work: [Google Group] https://groups.google.com/g/codename-taurus/c/wa4xIbxkUYI?pli=1
Above thread says: For reference I did it like this:
"Cookies>CookieManager.clearEachIteration": "true"
I have tried the same but didn't work.
Using JMeter I can clear the cookies but need the same behavior for Taurus. Any help.
What do you mean "for Taurus"? Taurus just provides YAML configuration of some of JMeter test elements. The "solution" you're referring is for running existing .jmx script using Taurus
Taurus doesn't support 100% of JMeter functionality when it comes to building test plan from config, refer the documentation to see what is supported.
If you want to use some JMeter functionality which is not supported by Taurus the options are in:
function there where sampler
stands for HTTPSamplerBase