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Switching between original condition and SequentialAnimation

Not sure how to express my question. My snippet code is just to illustrate what I want to achieve in a much bigger code base. I have an "originalCondition" that changes the opacity of an image which is independent of the SequentialAnimation. What I want to achieve after the SequentialAnimation has completed changing the opacity for the Image that the "originalCondition" binds back to the opacity. Not sure if bind is the appropriate way to describe it

For some reason, this does not occur and I am not sure why or how to do it.

Item {
    id: root
    property bool activatedLetter: false

    Button {
       text: "Click me"
       onClicked: root.activatedLetter = true
    Image {
        id: headerBackgroundImage
        visible: true
        opacity: originalCondition 

    SequentialAnimation {
        running: root.activatedLetter

        onStopped: {
            if(root.activatedLetter) {
                headerBackgroundImage.visible = true
            headerBackgroundImage.opacity = 1
            root.activatedLetter = false

        PauseAnimation {
           duration: 750

        NumberAnimation {
            target: headerBackgroundImage
            property: "opacity"
            from: 1
            to: 0
            duration: 1000

        NumberAnimation {
            target: headerBackgroundImage
            property: "visible"
            from: 1
            duration: 1000


  • In your onStopped, instead of this:

    headerBackgroundImage.opacity = 1

    try this:

    headerBackgroundImage.opacity = Qt.binding(() => originalCondition);