I changed the openlayers (v6.3.1) controls icons to custom icons using Font Awesome and jquery:
$('button.ol-full-screen-true').html('<i class="fas fa-compress"></i>');
$('button.ol-full-screen-false').html('<i class="fas fa-expand"></i>');
This works as intended for the full-screen-false
button. But the full-screen-true
button does not change if I toggle full screen. Instead it uses the full-screen-false
Font Awesome icon. If I remove the code for the full-screen-false
icon, the default icons are shown. I also tried to change the tooltips of both buttons. It also worked only for the full-screen-false
I am stuck here and can't think of (or find) any other solution.
I found a different, more complex, solution.
var fullscreenFalse = document.createElement('i');
fullscreenFalse.setAttribute('class', 'fa fa-expand');
var fullscreenTrue = document.createElement('i');
fullscreenTrue.setAttribute('class', 'fa fa-compress');
var fullscreen = new ol.control.FullScreen({
source: document.getElementById('map').parentNode,
label: fullscreenFalse,
labelActive: fullscreenTrue
You can change the tooltips using the following code:
fullscreen.on('enterfullscreen', function(evt){
$('button.ol-full-screen-true').attr('title', 'Leave fullscreen');
fullscreen.on('leavefullscreen', function(evt){
$('button.ol-full-screen-false').attr('title', 'Enter fullscreen');