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How to export to CSV the Hash of each file (SHA-256 & MD5) that are inside a folder in Windows?

I receive files from the client and I need to make sure those files are healthy even after I process these files. What I want to beware of is a situation of possible tampering with already processed files. A customer error may occur for sending files with missing information and the customer wants to edit the original file to say the information was there. That's why I had the idea of ​​producing a report with the hash of these files that are in the reception directory. I tried hard to make everything clearer and more intelligible, even though I didn't speak English.

Scene 1: I have a directory with several text files and I need to export the SHA-256 and MD5 hash calculations from each file to a CSV somewhere.

Scene 2: I have a directory with several subfolders with customer names and within these customers, other subfolders. How to extract SHA-256 & MD5 Hash from all files in these directories and subdirectories?


  • Something like the following should get you started. This finds the SHA256 hash for every file inside the current directory (not including subdirectories)

    Get-ChildItem | Get-FileHash | Export-CSV -Path "C:\Temp\summary.csv"  
    PS C:\Users\Jan\Dropbox\py\advent_of_code> cat "C:\Temp\summary.csv"
    #TYPE Microsoft.Powershell.Utility.FileHash

    If you really need both SHA256 and MD5:

    $h = @(Get-ChildItem | Get-FileHash)
    $h2 = ($h | Get-Item | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5)  
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $h.Length; $i++) { 
        $h[$i] = [PSCustomObject]@{Path=$h[$i].Path; SHA256=$h[$i].Hash; MD5=$h2[$i].Hash} 
    $h | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\expo.txt" 
    PS C:\Users\Jan\Dropbox\py\advent_of_code> cat "C:\Temp\expo.txt"
    #TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject