I am trying to create a factory pattern, and the return type is a parametrized trait, and the actual return type will be a subtype of that trait, but I do not know the generic type beforehand, so I don't know how to specify the return type. A simplified version is like this:
trait Mapper[T] {
def createMap(a: T, b: T): T
class MapperA extends Mapper[String]{
override def createMap(a: String, b: String): String = {
a + b
class MapperB extends Mapper[Int]{
override def createMap(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
a + b + b + b
def factory(typeOfMapper: String): Mapper = {
typeOfMapper match {
case "mapperA" => new MapperA()
case "mapperB" => new MapperB()
val mapper = factory("mapperA")
This will give me and error of
trait Mapper takes type parameters
but I do not know the generic type beforehand. What should the return type be for the factory
method here?
Well, you could return Mapper[_]
... that will compile, but isn't really very useful, as pointed out in the comments: you won't be able to use the returned value in any meaningful way, because actual type of create
will be unknown.
If different instances of your mapper will always have different type parameters (at least, within the same scope), then a neat solution would be using implicits:
object Mapper {
implicit def strMapper: Mapper[String] = new MapperA
implicit def intMapper: Mapper[Int] = new MapperB
Then everywhere you have these visible, you can just do:
val m1: Mapper[String] = implicitly[Mapper[String]]
val m2: Mapper[Int] = implicitly[Mapper[Int]]
You could also write your factory function (though, I am not sure why you'd want to) like this:
def mapperFactory[T: Mapper] = implicitly[Mapper[T]]
and use it like this:
val m: Mapper[String] = mapperFactory
or like this
def intMapper = mapperFactory[Int]
If you want different mappers for the same type parameter, it's basically the same idea, except it does't look as neat without implicits. The key is different factories for different types:
class Mapper {
def str(`type`: String): Mapper[String] = `type` match {
case "foo" => FooMapper()
case "bar" => BarMapper()
def int(`type`: String): Mapper[Int] = `type` match {
case "baz" => BazMapper()
case "bak" => BakMapper()
val fooMapper = Mapper.str("foo")
val bakMapper = Mapper.int("bak")