I am currently trying to figure out how to get a String from my config.yml into my Java code. More specifically, which path to use to get "Home", "X:-1 Y:79 Z:3", "Nether" or "X:23 Y:65 Z:-19" extracted into my Java code. I already tried getConfig().getString("Streuzel[0].name")
, but that didn't work.
YAML: (Array with multiple objects)
name: Home
coords: X:-1 Y:79 Z:3
name: Nether
coords: X:23 Y:65 Z:-19
Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + getConfig().getString("path?") + ChatColor.WHITE + ", " + ChatColor.GREEN + getConfig().getString("path?"));
Actually, Streuzel
is a List
, not an array, so you need to use getList(String)
instead of getString(String)
. In your case, each element of this list is a Map<String, String>
. So, if you don't care about type cast safety (because yaml can be edited by humans and it potentially can lose structure), you can use something like this:
((Map<String, String>)config.getList("Streuzel").get(0)).get("name") // Home
But ideally, you could either check if "Streuzel" is a list and if it contains a Map, or try...catch ClassCastException.
About an answer that got posted 3 minutes ago: Streuzel
is a List
, not a Map
EDIT: they fixed it