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vue-i18n: language dependent view

I use vue-i18n in my application. Now I would like to add an "About" view with a lot text and links.

I think it would be better maintainable to have several language dependent views than adding several {{ $t(...)}} in one view about.vue.

I thought about something like adding language ISO code to the view name:

  • .../about.en.vue
  • .../
  • .../

What would be the best way to combine and integrate with vue-i18n? Probably there is a different way?


  • After doing some other stuff, I was today able to solve this issue by using dynamic imports:

          <b-container class="about">
            <component :is="langComponent" />
        export default {
          name: 'AboutView',
          data () {
            return {
              langComponent: null
          mounted () {
              (newLocale, oldLocale) => {
                if (newLocale === oldLocale) {
                immediate: true
          methods: {
            setLangAbout () {
              try {
                import('@/components/about/About.' + this.$i18n.locale + '.vue').then(module => {
                  this.langComponent = module.default
              } catch (err) {
                import('@/components/about/About.en.vue').then(module => {
                  this.langComponent = module.default

    Thanks @Pochwar for your initial answer. Based on this I have done some more researched. Following links helped me to solve this problem: