I need to enter a value in a JSON that requires an Openmediavault command. The command in question is this:
omv-rpc -u admin 'ShareMgmt' 'set' '{"name":"120GB","mntentref":"71fdbd90-ce16-4726-ad8d-35ba8664b4c6","reldirpath": "/","mode": "775","comment": "","uuid": "fa4b1c66-ef79-11e5-87a0-0002b3a176b4"}'
But I need to introduce another JSON that I have saved in a variable. I have mounted it like this:
JSON_STRING=$( jq -n \
--arg referencia "$code_val" \
'{name:"120GB",mntentref:$referencia ,reldirpath: "/",mode: "775",comment: "",uuid: "fa4b1c66-ef79-11e5-87a0-0002b3a176b4"}')
The exit echo $JSON_STRING:
{"name":"120GB","mntentref":"71fdbd90-ce16-4726-ad8d-35ba8664b4c6","reldirpath": "/","mode": "775","comment": "","uuid": "fa4b1c66-ef79-11e5-87a0-0002b3a176b4"}
Now I want to build the first function and send the JSON that I have created by parameters, but I would not know how to do it, can you give me a hand?
I tried this way but it gives error. I have little knowledge of Debian console commands:
omv-rpc -u admin 'ShareMgmt' 'set' '{'echo $JSON_STRING'}'
You need to use Shell Parameter Expansion to access variables:
omv-rpc -u admin 'ShareMgmt' 'set' "${JSON_STRING}"