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Posting to blogger via idHTTP

I'm trying to post to Blogger using idHTTP component, however, I'm getting "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request" error.

First, I get the Auth code, which works perfectly with by using code below:

TStringList *request = new TStringList;
TStringList *response = new TStringList();

IdHTTP2->Request->Connection = "Keep-Alive";
IdHTTP2->Request->ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1->SSLOptions->Method = sslvSSLv23;

request->Values["accountType"] = "GOOGLE";
request->Values["Email"]       = "[email protected]";
request->Values["Passwd"]      = "yyyyyyy";
request->Values["source"]      = "test-test";
request->Values["service"]     = "blogger";

response->Text = IdHTTP2->Post("", request);
auth = response->Values["Auth"];  //working perfectly

Then, I get the blogID and finally I try to post an entry to Blogger using code below, but at this moment I get "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request" error.

request->Text = Memo3->Lines->Text;  //put entry into request var

IdHTTP2->Request->CustomHeaders->Add("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth="+auth);
IdHTTP2->Request->ContentType = "application/atom+xml";

response->Text = IdHTTP2->Post("" + blogID + "/posts/default", request); // I got "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request" error right here.

This is the entry I'm trying to post:

<entry xmlns=''>
  <title type='text'>Marriage!</title>
  <content type='xhtml'>
    <div xmlns="">
      <p>Mr. Darcy has <em>proposed marriage</em> to me!</p>
      <p>He is the last man on earth I would ever desire to marry.</p>
      <p>Whatever shall I do?</p>
  <category scheme="" term="marriage" />
  <category scheme="" term="Mr. Darcy" />

I have looked for a right way of posting it with idHTTP but I found nothing.. :(

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

BTW, I'm using CodeGear Delphi/C++Builder 2009 and Indy's version is 10.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • I found out how to get it working.

    I removed line


    Then I replaced

     IdHTTP2->Request->CustomHeaders->Add("Authorization: GoogleLogin auth="+auth);


     IdHTTP2->Request->CustomHeaders->Values["Authorization"] = "GoogleLogin auth="+auth;
