Search code examples

How to store post variables value

I got a Index page on which search page is included, and when I submit it, it passes values to find.php through action and method post. The code is below


The above code is written on find.php, Now when I try to implement paging through basic paging method with where conditions to make appropiate search query

$where="where approved='yes'";
            $where.=" and name like '%$term%'";
            $where.=" and category like '%$cat%'";
            $where.=" and area like '%$area%'";

Where $start is my initial limit, and $end is my number of records. For the first page of paging, I pass a variable page with 0 for first page

<a href="find.php?page=<?php echo 0;?>">First</a>

and my search query now becomes

$que="select * from shops ".$where." ORDER BY likes DESC  limit $start,$end";

As soon as I click on "first", My new link become "/find.php?page=0" and the post values which I recivied from index page search bar are lost.

Is there any way to retain those values ?The two methods which I though are sending them again through url with GET, or the other way is to store them in session. Is there any third method available ?


  • Marc is absolutely right. Do not use the code as it is.

    As an alternate solution to your problem -

    • Your page index.php (search form) submits to itself
    • Assemble your search query as querystring in index.php if its a post
    • Redirect to find.php with the assembled querystring
    • Every search information will always be in the querystring.
    • Use your pagination happily.