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(C#) How do I stop Increment and decrement jumping around place values?

For some reason this code makes the numbers jump around in place value.

For an ex.

If I add the numbers up to up to 10 when I subtract one time it will change to 90 if I subtract again it goes to 80. If I start adding again 90 turns into 01...

So somewhere in my code I must be telling it to do this...

I have tried a few different things but the same thing keeps happening.

int x;
int y;

Console.WriteLine("X:" + (x=0) + "Y:" + (y=0));

//Change Coordinates
  ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key;
  Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop -1);
Console.WriteLine("X:"+x +"Y:"+y);

if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow){

else if (key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow){



  • You need

    Console.WriteLine($"X:{x,2} Y:{y,2}");

    You were not printing y for a start. But your main problem was that you were leaving old characters in the line once you had got to 2 digits. THis forces the output to be always 2 digits wide