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Copying rows with cells containing a certain value to a new sheet

I am trying to copy rows with a certain value to another sheet to form a new table.

Wherever I have an A in a row (as shown in picture) copy that row and insert it in a new sheet. There are 2368 rows in the table.

Sub find_copy_row()
  Sheets.Add.Name = "Equilibrage.actif"

  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim Workrng As Range

  For i = 2 To i = 2368
    Set Workrng = Range(Rows("i"))

    For Each Rng In Workrng
      If Rng.Value = "A" Then

      End If
    i = i + 1
End Sub



  • Your code will not work for a variety of reasons (your For loop statement is incorrect, you Activate a sheet but never re-Activate the original, and more). So here is an example to get you started with some basic "rules" to live by when you're coding in VBA.

    Option Explicit
    Sub test()
        CopyRowsWith "A"
    End Sub
    Sub CopyRowsWith(checkValue As Variant)
        Dim destinationSheet As Worksheet
        Set destinationSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
        destinationSheet.Name = "Equilibrage.actif"
        Dim destRow As Long
        destRow = 1
        Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
        Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
        Dim lastRow As Long
        Dim lastColumn As Long
        lastRow = sourceSheet.Cells(sourceSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        lastColumn = sourceSheet.Cells(1, sourceSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
        For i = 2 To lastRow
            For j = 1 To lastColumn
                If sourceSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = checkValue Then
                    sourceSheet.Cells(i, j).EntireRow.Copy _
                            Destination:=destinationSheet.Range("A" & destRow)
                    destRow = destRow + 1
                    Exit For 'immediately skip to the next row
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub
    1. Always use Option Explicit
    2. Always be clear on what worksheet or range is being referenced
    3. Use intermediate variables (such as lastRow) to help yourself make your code more readable. Yes, it's a few extra lines of code. But in many instances it can make your code faster (if that's a concern), but you'll find readability will always be a bigger help to you in the long run.
    4. Avoid using Select in your code
    5. Name your variables to be as clear as possible what you're trying to do.

    Good luck!