I have array useState hook which consists of items with className. I want to update className of a single item from that hook. How do I update single value of a useState hook.Of course I am going to put condition before updating . here is the code -
display.map( word =>
( Words[leftPointer] === word.props.children ?
{...display, word:(<span key={uuid()} className="singleWord greenword">
{Words[leftPointer]}</span>)} :
display )
here display contains array of span. what I want is go change the className based on the condition example- after updating the item className = "singleWord greenword" should be className="singleWord" of that item.
Map function will return a new array so you just have to store the array in a new variable and set the state with that new variable
const newDisplay = display.map( (word) =>{
if(Words[leftPointer] === word.props.children){
return {word:(<span key={uuid()} className="singleWord greenword">
return word