I would like to download some articles from my DOI list automatically (about 1500). Using doi.org I can get a website content for every of them. But the problem is that every website is unique and I do not know how to determine a download link amongst a number of hrefs. Please, could you suggest anything useful for such aim in Python?
P. S. The speech is about free access articles. So I can be sure that the link exists.
As it turned out, the most convenient way is to use metapub
library. Note, that it demands Visual Studio C++ 2015 and recenter.
import metapub
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
def downloadByDOI(doi, handle):
def download(url, handle):
urlretrieve(url, handle)
download(url, handle)
url = metapub.FindIt(doi=doi).url
download(url, handle)