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How to test AngularJS controller with JsTestDriver?

I have the following code:

function TestStats($xhr) {
            angular.bind(this, function(code, response) {
                this.projects = response.projects;
                this.projects.splice(0, 0, undefined);

    this.$watch('project', angular.bind(this, function() {
        this.testClassStats = undefined;

        if (this.project) {
                    '/test-dashboard/get-test-stats.json?project=' + this.project,
                    angular.bind(this, function(code, response) {
                        this.testClassStats = response.testClassStats;

TestStats.prototype.greet = function(name) {
  return "Hello " + name + "!";

TestStats.$inject = ['$xhr'];

and the following test:

TestDashboardUnitTest = TestCase("TestDashboardUnitTest");

TestDashboardUnitTest.prototype.testAoeu = function() {
    var xhrStub = function(method, url, callback) {
    var testStats = new TestStats(xhrStub);
    assertEquals("Hello World!", testStats.greet("Aoeu"));

and the following config:

server: http://localhost:9876

  - web/*.js
  - test/*.js

When I run the test, JsTestDriver outputs:

Total 1 tests (Passed: 0; Fails: 0; Errors: 1) (0.00 ms)
  Chrome 13.0.782.112 Linux: Run 1 tests (Passed: 0; Fails: 0; Errors 1) (0.00 ms)
    TestDashboardUnitTest.testAoeu error (0.00 ms): TypeError: Object #<TestStats> has no method '$watch'
      TypeError: Object #<TestStats> has no method '$watch'
          at new TestStats (
          at [object Object].testAoeu (

Tests failed: Tests failed. See log for details.

What do I need to do to fix this?


  • From!/tutorial/step_05

    scope = angular.scope();
    $browser = scope.$service('$browser');
        .respond([{name: 'Nexus S'},
                  {name: 'Motorola DROID'}]);
    ctrl = scope.$new(PhoneListCtrl);

    Don't do the usual thing and pass in mocks. Instead, let the injection system do the work.

    Also, be sure to load angular-mocks.js in the jsTestDriver.conf file.