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Spring AOP AfterThrowing aspect doesn't work with mock objects in Junit 5

in my spring project I created simple aspect which catches DaoExceptions and turns them into service exceptions

public class ExceptionAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
    private void allPublicMethods() {

    private void inDao() {

    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "allPublicMethods() && inDao()", throwing = "exception")
    public void afterThrowing(JoinPoint joinPoint, DaoException exception) {
        throw new ServiceException(String.format("%s in method %s %s class", exception.getMessage(),
                joinPoint.getSignature().getName(), joinPoint.getTarget().getClass().getSimpleName()), exception);

and it works fine when DaoException throwing from dao layer to service it turns into Service exception

but only not in the tests:

void findById_ShouldThrowServiceException_WhenEntityNotFound() {
    assertThrows(ServiceException.class, () -> defaultServiceImpl.findById(0));

in this test I have a defaultDao and it is a Mock object and when it throws a DaoException my aspect does not catch and proxy it

I can't figure out how to solve this problem


  • With the following assumptions - it is a spring-boot project , defaultDao is a mocked bean using @MockBean

    Do go through the issue to understand why @MockBean will not work.

    Following code would mock a bean and throw an exception . You will need to adjust the code to make it work for you.( eg: @SpringBootTest may or may not be required for your case ).

    class DefaultDaoTest {
        DefaultDao defaultDao;
        void test() {
            assertThrows(ServiceException.class, () -> defaultDao.findById(0));
    class TestConfig {
        public DefaultDao defaultDao() {
            return new DefaultDao() {
                public Object findById(Long id) {
                    throw new DaoException();