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Copy the cell above and increment value by 1 (Value is alphabetical)

I'm new to VBA and could use some help. From the active cell, I need to copy the value from the cell above and increment the value by 1. The value is always two letters such as AA, AB, AC. I can find information on incrementing numbers but not letters.


  • Sub Tester()
        Dim v As String
        v = "CD" 'for example
        Debug.Print Replace(Range(v & "1").Offset(0, 1).Address(0, 0), "1", "") '> CE
    End Sub

    should work for any two-letter combo (but "ZZ" will give you "AAA")

    Without the limitations of using range references:

    Sub Tester()
        Dim e
        For Each e In Array("A", "AA", "AZ", "AZZ", "ZZZ", String(10,"Z"))
            Debug.Print e, NextSeq(CStr(e))
        Next e
    End Sub
    Function NextSeq(s As String)
        Dim rv As String, a As Long, carry As Boolean, ls As Long, i As Long
        ls = Len(s)
        For i = ls To 1 Step -1
            a = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) - 64 ' "A"=ASCII 65
            If i = ls Or carry Then
                a = IIf(a = 26, 1, a + 1) 'roll over ?
                carry = a = 1             'carry 1 to next iteration ? 
            End If
            rv = Chr(64 + a) & rv
        Next i
        NextSeq = IIf(carry, "A" & rv, rv) 'one more "A" ?
    End Function


    A             B
    AA            AB
    AZ            BA
    AZZ           BAA
    ZZZ           AAAA