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Cannot find "go" binary installed by asdf

I get the following error after installing Go with asdf and trying to open a Go project.

Failed to find the "go" binary in either。GOROOT() or PATH(/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin). Check PATH, or Install Go and reload the window.


  • I fixed this by just restarting VSCode.

    Another person also suggest a fix in this issue which I didn't need to do.

    1. Shift + Cmd + P
    2. Search for: "open settings" and choose "Open Settings (JSON)"
    3. Run go env and copy GOROOT value (in my case it's /opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.17.1/libexec).
    4. Add new record to settings.json:
    "go.goroot": "Copied/GOROOT/path",

    in my case it's:

    "go.goroot": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.17.1/libexec"

    Newer versions of Go/Brew, the path will be different. This is what your settings.json would look like:

    "go.alternateTools": {
        "go": "/opt/homebrew/bin/go"