Search code examples

How to select particular key from json map in ElasticSearch

I have json document in ES like this:

      "i1": { ... }
      "i2": { ... }

The indicators is a map from string key to object. I need to select document which contains particular key.

Trying to query it like this from Kibana UI:

indicators.i2 :*

But this doesn't work. What is the correct query in such case?


  • As far as I can understand, you need to get those documents that contain a particular field (in your case suppose the field is indicators.i1)

    To achieve the required results, you need to use exists query.

    Adding a working example with index data and search query

    Index Data:

    POST tidx/_doc/1
      "indicators": [
          "i1": {
            "city": "indore"
          "i2": {
            "city": "bangalore"
    POST tidx/_doc/2
      "indicators": [
          "i2": {
            "city": "bangalore"

    Search Query:

    POST tidx/_search
      "query": {
        "exists": {
          "field": "indicators.i1"

    Search Response:

    "hits" : [
            "_index" : "tidx",
            "_type" : "_doc",
            "_id" : "1",
            "_score" : 1.0,
            "_source" : {
              "indicators" : [
                  "i1" : {
                    "city" : "indore"
                  "i2" : {
                    "city" : "bangalore"