Search code examples

Fluent-bit - Splitting json log into structured fields in Elasticsearch

I am trying to find a way in Fluent-bit config to tell/enforce ES to store plain json formatted logs (the log bit below that comes from docker stdout/stderror) in structured way - please see image at the bottom for better explanation. For example, apart from (or along with) storing the log as a plain json entry under log field, I would like to store each property individually as shown in red.

The documentation for Filters and Parsers are really poor and not clear. On top of that the forward input doesn't have a "parser" option. I tried json/docker/regex parsers but no luck. My regex is here if I have to use regex. Currently using ES (7.1), Fluent-bit (1.1.3) and Kibana (7.1) - not Kubernetes.

If anyone can direct me to an example or give one I would be much appreciated.


  "_index": "hello",
  "_type": "logs",
  "_id": "T631e2sBChSKEuJw-HO4",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "@timestamp": "2019-06-21T21:34:02.000Z",
    "tag": "php",
    "container_id": "53154cf4d4e8d7ecf31bdb6bc4a25fdf2f37156edc6b859ba0ddfa9c0ab1715b",
    "container_name": "/hello_php_1",
    "source": "stderr",
    "log": "{\"time_local\":\"2019-06-21T21:34:02+0000\",\"client_ip\":\"-\",\"remote_addr\":\"\",\"remote_user\":\"\",\"request\":\"GET / HTTP/1.1\",\"status\":\"200\",\"body_bytes_sent\":\"0\",\"request_time\":\"0.001\",\"http_referrer\":\"-\",\"http_user_agent\":\"curl/7.38.0\",\"request_id\":\"91835d61520d289952b7e9b8f658e64f\"}"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [



    Flush        5
    Daemon       Off
    Log_Level    debug
    Parsers_File parsers.conf

    Name   forward
    Port   24224

    Name  es
    Match hello_*
    Host  elasticsearch
    Port  9200
    Index hello
    Type  logs
    Include_Tag_Key On
    Tag_Key tag



  • Solution is as follows.

        Flush        5
        Daemon       Off
        Log_Level    debug
        Parsers_File parsers.conf
        Name         forward
        storage.type filesystem
        Listen       my_fluent_bit_service
        Port         24224
        Name         parser
        Parser       docker
        Match        hello_*
        Key_Name     log
        Reserve_Data On
        Preserve_Key On
        Name            es
        Host            my_elasticsearch_service
        Port            9200
        Match           hello_*
        Index           hello
        Type            logs
        Include_Tag_Key On
        Tag_Key         tag
        Name         docker
        Format       json
        Time_Key     time
        Time_Format  %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L
        Time_Keep    On
        # Command      |  Decoder | Field | Optional Action
        # =============|==================|=================
        Decode_Field_As   escaped_utf8    log    do_next
        Decode_Field_As   json       log