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How to Format float value from 11111111 to 1,111,111.00?

I've been all over the Internet, and since I have no much experience, I couldn't find a right solution.

As mentioned above, in my database I will have "big" values, where there are up to 9-10 digits, and I was requested to format them like, for example, instead of 23456789 -> 23,456,789.00, and show them like that in DataGrid.

This is how i populate DataGrid

probaDataContext proba = new probaDataContext();
        public MainWindow()
                dgData.ItemsSource = proba.ProbaTabelas.ToList();

And this is my XAML code

I found a way how to Format them to 23,456,789 , but I still need those two digits behind, with the dot.

<DataGrid Name="dgData" Margin="89,0,118,165" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Numbernumber" Binding="{Binding cifra, StringFormat=\{0:N0\}}"></DataGridTextColumn>

If the value is a whole number, they should be .00 , if a value has decimals like 23432.54, they should look like 23,432.54.


  • String.Format("{0:n}", 1234);  // Output: 1,234.00
    String.Format("{0:n0}", 9876); // No digits after the decimal point. Output: 9,876

    so I suppose that changing this


    to this


    is ok for you.

    Note: Some cultures use , to mean decimal rather than . so be careful.