How do I fix the dependency injection so that I can access .ForContext(...)
within my worker/service class?
[.Net Core 6 for a hybrid console/WindowsService App]
In my main program class and worker/service classes, I have Serilog working correctly for basic logging...
Log.Information($"Application Directory: {baseDir}");
_logger.LogInformation("Service Starting");
_logger.LogInformation("In Service A");
However, the issue I'm having is that I need .ForContext to be able to work everywhere as well... and it does in my main program class:
.ForContext("EventID", 42)
.Information("Log This with EventID === 42");
... however, when I try to do the same in either of the worker/service classes ...
.ForContext("EventID", 42)
.Information("Log This with EventID === 42");
... it does not work, and I get the following error:
Error CS1061
'ILogger<Worker>' does not contain a definition for 'ForContext' and no accessible extension method 'ForContext' accepting a first argument of type 'ILogger<Worker>' could be found
... so I looked into that, and came upon the following SO questions (neither of which was I able to apply, see comments in code below) which were close:
... (as well as some other places) but I was unable to integrate the answers into the codebase:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>
// Configure the app here.
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
services.AddScoped<IServiceA, ServiceA>();
services.AddScoped<IServiceB, ServiceB>();
//?? I'm not sure if this .AddLogging(...) is needed ??
services.AddLogging(x =>
x.AddSerilog(dispose: true);
//?? ... having/not having it doesn't seem to affect execution
public class Worker : BackgroundService
private readonly ILogger<Worker> _logger;
//private readonly Serilog.ILogger<Worker> _logger;
//?? ... wrt this attempt, Serilog.ILogger won't allow <Worker> ...
//?? private readonly ILogger _log = Log.ForContext<SomeService>();
//private readonly ILogger _logger = Log.ForContext<Worker>();
//?? ... wrt this attempt, Log isn't available ...
private FileSystemWatcher _folderWatcher;
private readonly string _inputFolder;
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
public Worker(ILogger<Worker> logger, IOptions<AppSettings> settings, IServiceProvider services)
_logger = logger;
_services = services;
_inputFolder = settings.Value.InputFolder;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await Task.CompletedTask;
public override Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
.ForContext("EventID", 1001)
.LogInformation("Service Starting - need to assign EventID === 1001");
//?? here is where .ForContext is needed (but doesn't work)
... ... ...
is used by both MEL and Serilog for completely different types, this answer always disambiguates occurrences of the name ILogger
as either MEL.ILogger
or Serilog.ILogger
is generic. There is no Serilog.ILogger<T>
, only Serilog.ILogger
):Serilog.ILogger.ForContext(String propertyName, Object? value, Boolean destructureObjects = false)
creates a "child" Serilog.ILogger
instance with a single event-property added to all events logged by the child logger.
's BeginScope
in a using( log.BeginScope(...) )
block and passing state: Dictionary<String,Object?>
parameter), which has different semantics to ForContext
. This is why you should never mix Serilog idioms with MEL idioms.Serilog.ILogger.ForContext(Type)
and Serilog.ILogger.ForContext<TSource>
are both equivalent to calling ForContext(String)
passes typeof(TSource)
into ForContext(Type)
, and ForContext(Type)
just passes Type.FullName
into ForContext(String)
).The MEL equivalent of ForContext<TSource>
is to either....
as a TSource
constructor parameter.ILoggerFactory
and specify TSource
as a generic type argument for the .CreateLogger<T>
extension method.ILoggerFactory
add a "SourceContext"
(or "Category") event-property for typeof(TSource).FullName
for you automatically during injection.So if you are injecting MEL's ILogger<TService>
into your class TService
's constructor then...
yourself to set "SourceContext"
(or "Category").ILogger.BeginScope()
instead of Serilog.ILogger.ForContext
for when you want to add more event-properties inside your service.ForContext
with MEL's ILogger
(both the generic and non-generic versions) you'll get a compiler error, ditto if you try to use BeginScope
with Serilog.ILogger
- simply because those are extension methods that are only defined for their intended types.There are 2 different ways to use MEL and Serilog together in an application using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
interfaces that are injected into your types' constructors.static
members of global::Serilog.Log
, or by injecting global::Serilog.ILogger
) while still wiring-up MEL for Serilog so that other components (that you didn't write) that use MEL will still appear in Serilog output.Option 2 is the preference of Serilog's author...
In application code, I use
andstatic global::Serilog.Log.*
methods exclusively.I also dislike having to clutter every constructor with
parameters (constructor argument lists are highly-valuable real estate), and find there are usability issues once code steps out of DI and starts calling non-DI-instantiated classes that want to do some logging (more parameter passing).
...however I (respectfully) disagree with @nblumhardt's reasoning because:
APIs in general (not just Serilog's Serilog.Log
) is a bad idea because managing static
state in unit and integration-tests is very difficult, if not impossible, depending on the API you're using and how your test-runner works.
for each test case, otherwise all of the test output will be munged together.static Serilog.Log
methods is no-better: it means it's now harder to reuse your class in situations where the static Serilog types are unavailable.
(e.g. NullLogger<T>
) or define an alternative constructor that supplies its own defaults (and apply [ActivatorUtilitiesConstructor]
to the DI constructor).Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
is now established as the baseline logging library which is present in every .NET environment now - given any random .csproj
project created in the past 5 years, it's far more likely that MEL.ILogger<T>
will be available instead of (if not in addition to) the Serilog
NuGet package.
, that won't have MEL available. Also, every ASP.NET Core project has MEL anyway.Things are different if you're using a different DI system, such as Simple Injector, Autofac, Ninject, and others, so please don't follow this post's advice if you're not using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
For option 1, this is how I do it in my projects:
If this is a multiple-project solution, with a single "entrypoint" .exe
project that references your other projects...
project should reference the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
, Serilog
, and Serilog.Extensions.Logging
NuGet packages.Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
(and not the main Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
package).If this is a single-project solution, then reference Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
, Serilog
, and Serilog.Extensions.Logging
If you're using Host.CreateDefaultBuilder
or WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder
then those methods already call .AddLogging
for you already, you don't need to do it yourself, but you do need to call UseSerilog
) on the IHostBuilder
before .Build()
is called.
either.Inside your service-types (i.e. your types that have service interfaces in their constructor params) use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<T>
where T
is the same type as the constructor's declaring type (yes, I agree this is redundant).
using Serilog
in any other .cs
files besides your Program.cs
file (and/or the file where your configureLogger
method is).Then, at runtime, when the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
container instantiates your types, it will call Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerFactory.ILoggerFactory.CreateLogger(String categoryName)
for you automatically.
is the type-name of T
in the injected MEL.ILogger<T>
logger factory, and the returned Serilog.ILogger
is wrapped by MEL's MEL.ILogger<T>
.An actual example:
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
// No `using Serilog` here.
static async Task<Int32> Main( String[] args )
using( IHost host = CreateHost( args ) )
await host.RunAsync();
return 0;
static IHost CreateHost( String[] args )
IHostBuilder b = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder( args );
// CreateDefaultBuilder calls `MEL.AddLogging` for you already.
b = b.UseStartup<YourStartupClass>(); // or `b.ConfigureServices()`;
// Explicit extension method call because there's no `using Serilog` to avoid ambiguity issues:
b = global::Serilog.SerilogHostBuilderExtensions.UseSerilog(
builder : b,
configureLogger : ConfigureSerilog,
preserveStaticLogger: true
return b.Build();
static void ConfigureSerilog( HostBuilderContext ctx, Serilog.LoggerConfiguration logCfg )
_ = logCfx
.MinimumLevel.Is( /* etc */ )
.WriteTo.File( /* etc */ );
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
// No `using Serilog` here either.
public MyService
private readonly ILogger log;
public MyService( ILogger<MyService> log )
this.log = log ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(log));
public void Foo( String name )
this.log.LogInformation( "hello {Name}", name );
If you see yourself reusing MyService
in places where DI is unavailable, then you can define an alternative constructor, like so:
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
// No `using Serilog` here either.
public MyService
private readonly ILogger log;
public MyService( ILogger<MyService> log )
this.log = log ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(log));
public MyService()
: this( log: NullLogger<MyService>.Instance )
public void Foo( String name )
this.log.LogInformation( "hello {Name}", name );
So this will just-work (though when using NullLogger<T>
specifically, nothing will be logged, so that may-or-may-not be desirable):
void Bar()
MyService svc = new MyService();