I'd like to use JShell to launch a Class which is contained in a Maven repository:
Looking at the docs, I can see you can specify the classpath using the following option:
jshell --class-path=
That however implies that you have the library locally. I wonder if it's possible to just specify the Maven GAV or an HTTP URL to pick up the Class from that dependency. Any idea ? Thanks
If you don't have a pom.xml
with all your dependencies listed, a simple solution is to symlink or copy the jars you need to a single directory, say $HOME/.java/lib
and launch jshell like this:
CLASSPATH=$HOME/.java/lib/*:. jshell
If you do have a pom.xml
in the current directory, you can do this:
CLASSPATH=`mvn dependency:build-classpath -DincludeTypes=jar -Dmdep.outputFile=/dev/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null`:target/classes jshell
Note, because of JDK bug 8177650, you probably don't want to use the --class-path option.