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C# - how do I schedule code to run everyday on a specific time and send email only when the row is added in a database table

I write now have a code that updates and lists files from the SFTP site into a database table. Whenever there's a new file uploaded on a client SFTP site I am supposed to get an email notification. In order to do that I set a task scheduler on my local machine. Now, I get an email every day at a set time which is great but how do I only and only get an email when a new file has been uploaded on the sftp site or a new row/s has been added into a database table. I do not want to get an email every day, only email notify me when there's a new file.

Please point me in the right direction. What do I do?

    public static void Main()
        string host = @"";
        string username = "";
        string password = @"";

        Dictionary<string, string[]> fileMetadata = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();

        using (SftpClient sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password))
            List<DateTime> sftpdates = new List<DateTime>();
            IEnumerable<SftpFile> files = null;
                files = sftp.ListDirectory(".");

                // Get SFTP dates 

                foreach (var file in files)

                    Console.Write(file.Name + "\t");
                    if (!file.Name.Equals(".") || !file.Name.Equals(".."))

                Console.WriteLine("Latest " + sftpdates[0]);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("An exception has been caught " + e.ToString());

            // get lastestfile recieved stored in a DB and Compare the dates ( greater or not ) if yes ;
            var con = new SqlConnection(@"connection string here");
                SqlCommand getMaxdateDB = new SqlCommand
               ("select * from LatestFile ", con);
                SqlDataReader reader = getMaxdateDB.ExecuteReader();
                DateTime DatabaseDate = new DateTime();
                while (reader.Read())
                    DatabaseDate = reader.GetDateTime(0);

                if (sftpdates[0].CompareTo(DatabaseDate) > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Newer file exists");
                else if (sftpdates[0].CompareTo(DatabaseDate) == 0)

                    Console.WriteLine("Latest dates are same");

            // if yes // send new records to db 
                foreach (var file in files)
                    SqlCommand getFile = new SqlCommand(
                            "select FILE_NAME, date_modified from NewFileUpload where File_Name='"
                            + file.Name + "';", con);
                    SqlDataReader readfile = getFile.ExecuteReader();
                    bool row = readfile.HasRows;
                    string fileName;
                    DateTime date_modified = new DateTime();
                        fileName = readfile.GetString(0);
                        date_modified = readfile.GetDateTime(1);
                    catch (Exception e)
                    if (row == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("New file added...");
                        DateTime myDateTime = file.Attributes.LastWriteTime;
                        string sqlFormattedDate = myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
                        SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand("insert into NewFileUpload(File_Name, File_Size, Date_Modified) values " +
                    "('" + file.Name + "', '" + file.Attributes.Size + "', '" + sqlFormattedDate + "')", con);
                        fileMetadata.Add(file.Name, new string[] { file.Attributes.Size.ToString(), sqlFormattedDate });

                // send email
                // EMAIL LOGIC

                    SqlCommand UpdateLatestDate = new SqlCommand
                        ("truncate table LatestFile", con);
                    UpdateLatestDate = new SqlCommand
                   ("INSERT INTO LatestFile select max(Date_Modified) from NewFileUpload where File_Name not in ('..' ,'.')", con);



    static void SendEmail(string filename, long filesize, DateTime datemodified)


        //List <> NewUploadList = List  <> NewUploadList = new List<>(); /// might only send the date or file name
        // Key = filename
        // value = [filesize(string), datemodified/lastwrite(string)]
        Dictionary<string, string[]> fileMetadata = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();

    static void SendEmailMultiFiles(Dictionary<string, string[]> fileMetadata

        //List <> NewUploadList = List  <> NewUploadList = new List<>(); /// might only send the date or file name
        Console.WriteLine("Email has been sent.");
        string SendMailbody = "File(s) added<br>";
        //+ filename + " file size: "
        //+ filesize + " date modified: "
        //+ datemodified;
        int i = 1;
        foreach (var item in fileMetadata)
            SendMailbody += i++ + ") " + item.Key + " file size: "
                + item.Value[0] + " date modified: "
                + item.Value[1] + "<br>";

        string mailto = "";
        string mailfrom = "";

        MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
        mail.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(mailfrom);

        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
        smtp.Port = 587;
        smtp.EnableSsl = true;
        smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
        smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
        smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("", "");
        smtp.Host = "";
        mail.Subject = "New File Incoming";
        mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
        mail.Body = SendMailbody;




  • Just check the fileMetadata object before sending to the function.

    If (fileMetadata.Count >= 1)