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MongoDB - bulk updating values in arrays of nested objects

I have a collection in MongoDB that represents the chores kids needs to do each day and whether they are done. Here is an example of a document.

  "chores": [
    {"chore":"Breakfast: clear dishes and utensils","done":true}, 
    {"chore":"Clearing dishes after meals","done":true},
    {"chore":"Put away coats, knapsack, and shoes","done":true}, 
    {"chore":"Clear toys","done":true}
    "date": 2022-02-13T00:00:00.000+00:00

I want to change it so that, instead of a Boolean, done is an integer, where:

Meaning value
Done 1
Not Done -1
Unmarked 0

Is there a pipeline or trick in Compass to do this for all documents in the collection?


  • You could use the update method with aggregation pipeline to update the chores array. You would need to use the following pipeline to achieve the desired results:

        { 'chores.0': { '$exists': true } },
            { '$set': {
                'chores': {
                    '$map': {
                        'input': '$chores',
                        'as': 'chore',
                        'in': {
                            '$mergeObjects': [
                                    'done': {
                                        '$switch': {
                                            'branches': [
                                                { 'case': { $eq: [ '$$chore.done', true ] }, then: 1 },
                                                { 'case': { 
                                                    $eq: [ 
                                                        { $ifNull: ['$$chore.done', 'Unmarked'] }, 
                                                    ] }, 
                                                    then: 0 
                                                { 'case': { $eq: [ '$$chore.done', false ] }, then: -1 },
                                            default: 0
            } }