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Discord reactions collector doesn't collect reactions

I've read up on the discord.js documentation and have been trying such things that I've been reading but none of them seems to work. The main issue that I am having is that the collector is stating that it has collected nothing.

if (message.content === 'poll') {
  let embedPoll = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle('😲 DaSquad 😲')
    .addField('1:', 'name')
    .addField('2:', 'name2')
    .addField('3:', 'name3')
    .addField('4:', 'name4')
    .addField('5:', 'name5')
    .addField('6:', 'name6')
    .addField('7:', 'name7')
    .addField('8:', 'name8');
  let msgEmbed = await{ embeds: [embedPoll] });
  await msgEmbed.react('1️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('2️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('3️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('4️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('5️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('6️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('7️⃣');
  await msgEmbed.react('8️⃣');

  const filter = (reaction) => === '1️⃣' || === '2️⃣' || === '3️⃣' || === '4️⃣' || === '5️⃣' || === '6️⃣' || === '7️⃣' || === '8️⃣';

  const collector = new Discord.ReactionCollector(msgEmbed, filter);



  • Instead of the ReactionCollector class, you could use either awaitReactions or createReactionCollector that's available on the message object you've sent (msgEmbed).

    If you're using discord.js v13, the awaitReactions and createReactionCollector methods accept a single parameter and the filter is part of the options object now. (See Changes in v13.) So, you need to update that; pass down a single object with the filter.

    Another error is that you try to read the collected reactions (collector.collected) with a simple console.log right after you instantiated the collector. You should instead set up event listeners and subscribe to the collect (and probably stop) events.

    Make sure you add the GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intents. You can read more about reaction collectors here.

    And one more thing, you could create an array with all the emojis you want to react with to make your life a bit easier.

    Check out the code below:

    if (message.content === 'poll') {
      let embedPoll = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setTitle('😲 DaSquad 😲')
        .addField('1:', 'name')
        .addField('2:', 'name2')
        .addField('3:', 'name3')
        .addField('4:', 'name4')
        .addField('5:', 'name5')
        .addField('6:', 'name6')
        .addField('7:', 'name7')
        .addField('8:', 'name8');
      let reactions = ['1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣', '4️⃣', '5️⃣', '6️⃣', '7️⃣', '8️⃣'];
      let msgEmbed = await{ embeds: [embedPoll] });
      reactions.forEach((reaction) => msgEmbed.react(reaction));
      const filter = (reaction) => reactions.includes(;
      const collector = msgEmbed.createReactionCollector({ filter });
      // code inside this runs every time someone reacts with those emojis
      collector.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
        console.log(`Just collected a ${} reaction from ${user.username}`);