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NestJS Creating tables automatically without applying migrations if project is started in dev mode

So I have a project which uses NestJS + TypeORM .

When i start the project in dev mode using yarn start:dev before running any migration(DB is created at this point of time, but doesn't haveany tables), It creates all the tables automatically in DB apart from migrations table.

After that, if we try to run migration, it throws an error saying that table already exists which seems genuine.

So, why NestJS is automatically creating tables on yarn start:dev ?

Not sure how using yarn start:dev can create tables automatically.

Both Synchronize and migrationsRun is false. AutoLoadentites is set to true


  • Hey try to setup synchronize as false. .env get parsed as string by default. Even though this.configService.get<boolean> is used.

    For ex.

     createTypeOrmOptions(): TypeOrmModuleOptions {
            return {
                synchronize: this.configService.get<string>('TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE') === 'true' ? true : false,